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Listing Number: 3793
Wholesale Distribution Drop-ship Company Selling Wellness Equipment - TEMP OFF MARKET
This is a wholesale distribution drop-ship company selling wellness equipment. The company is a wholesale distributor/ drop-shipper of high-end massage chairs and other health-related accessories. Simple business model, designed for sustainability; inbound sales from dealers and other customers via its website, orders received, processed, and sent out drop-shipped from the Company’s warehouse to the end user. The company supports its dealers, who do not need to hold inventory of the Company’s products; customers with sales floors/ showrooms need only a few models in store- when a customer places an order, the Company fulfills & ships directly to the end user.Sales through 2 major online retailers the company is registered with have not been pushed, with minimal marketing currently taking place. With additional marketing / sales efforts, a new owner could grow sales substantially. Current owner only working approximately 5 hours per week. The company owns its own brand name, and also holds FDA 510(k) Status for some of it’s other branded products.
Listing Broker

Business Intemediary Specialist
Phone: 954-596-8060
- Category: Wholesale/Dist. Businesses
- Asking Price: $1,996,918
- Gross Sales: $2,506,299
- Cash Flow: $517,814
- County: Clark
- Area: Nevada
- FFE: $ 20,000
- Inventory: $200,000
- Real Estate: $0
- Employees: 3 - Full-Time 1 - Part-Time
- Facilities: 6500 sq ft warehouse flex space
- Relocatable? Yes
- Home Based? No
- Market Notes: Health & wellness companies continuing to grow, especially in the at-home segment.
- Growth Notes: The company is registered with 2 extremely popular companies for online sales, but has not pushed marketing via these channels.
The company has also created "pay by Credit Card" machines which can be placed in high traffic areas for recurring revenue.
A hands-on owner can move this company to the location of their choosing and grow the business significantly. - Support Training: 4 weeks
- Year Established: 2010
- Financing Terms: TBD
- Reason for Selling: Inquire with Broker
- Inventory Included: Yes
- Is Franchise No
- Lender Prequalified No
- Absentee Owner No
- Selling Financing? No
- Is FEE Included? Yes