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Listing Number: 3766

MULTI-LOCATION INSTALLMENT CONSUMER LENDER – $3m+/- EBITDA. The target is a Consumer Finance company which services un-banked and under-banked borrowers at interest rates which are charged Bi-weekly. The first of the two entities offers Installment Loans and Secured Loans anywhere from $200 to $1480 to their clients. The second entity is a CSO model, and offers Cash Advance Installment Loans of up to $1,000 and Title Installment Loans up to $5,000 which are secured. The company charges interest, calculated weekly or bi-weekly, and is legally permitted charging upward of a total 728% interest annually. Additionally, the company utilizes propriety software developed by the founders (not included). Between both entities, the companies average anywhere from $12m-$14m+ in total loans issued between both entities per year. Management teams are currently in-place, both on the regional and local levels, and the entities could see exponential growth by offering additional services at its’ locations and availability of instant funding online. Loan receivables/working capital not included in asking price.
Listing Broker

Business Intemediary Specialist
Phone: 954-596-8060
- Category: Loans
- Asking Price: $14,998,918
- Gross Sales: $12,150,313
- Cash Flow: $2,941,646
- County: Inquire With Broker
- Area: Statewide
- FFE: $ 89,178
- Inventory: $0
- Real Estate: $0
- Employees: 8 - Full-Time 14 - Part-Time
- Facilities: Multiple Locations
- Relocatable? No
- Home Based? No
- Market Notes: The US consumer lending industry consists of more than 14,000 establishments (single-location companies and units of multi-location companies) with combined annual revenue of about $37 billion. Global household debt exceeded $50 trillion in 2020, hitting a new record high of over $280 trillion of total global debt due to pandemic-driven factors, according to the Institute for International Finance's Global Debt Monitor. In the US, total consumer debt approached $4.2 trillion in March 2021, according to the Federal Reserve.
- Growth Notes: The Company has seen explosive growth since inception, and is also stabilizing post-COVID. With more government benefits such as unemployment and stimulus checks beginning to slow, the necessity of these types of loans are becoming more imperative. The founders also believe their business model could easily be translated to an online model, using the Company’s underwriting methods and customer demographic data, which could provide additional growth. The Company is also currently merging locations of both entities, so that loans issued under each of its’ models can be provided in the same location, thereby decreasing overall overhead .
- Support Training: To Be Discussed
- Year Established: 2014
- Financing Terms: N/A
- Reason for Selling: To Be Discussed
- Inventory Included: No
- Is Franchise No
- Lender Prequalified No
- Absentee Owner No
- Selling Financing? No
- Is FEE Included? Yes