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  • The 5 habits of Successful Brokers

    THE 5 HABITS OF SUCCESSFUL BROKERS in General Business Brokerage, Working With Buyers, Working With Sellers by No matter which stage of your career you’re at, you’ll know that being a successful broker needs more than just adding yourself to various service directories and websites, and letting the money roll in. These are five habits you will find ingrained […]

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  • Valuing the Business – SDE vs EBITDA

    Valuing the Business – SDE vs EBITDA The value of the small business is mostly determined by the cash flow (business brokers use the term “Seller’s Discretionary Earnings” instead to be more accurate). In this article we will explain what that is, along with the differences in SDE vs EBITDA. Seller’s Discretionary Earnings (SDE) is […]

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  • Components of a CBR – Dale Shepherd

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  • M&A Documents Demystified

    M & A Documents Demystified A Guide to M & A Success A Business Intermediary Engagement Letter  Choosing the right Business Intermediary is one of the most important decisions when selling your business. The engagement letter is the first step in this process. The engagement letter is an agreement between the business owner and the Business […]

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  • Letter Of Intent

    Letter Of Intent: Saving You Time & Money When Buying Or Selling A Business by Michael Silverman, Attorney If you have the opportunity to buy or sell a business, negotiating the terms of a letter of intent (an “LOI”) is one of the first and most critical steps in the process of completing the transaction. A well-written letter […]

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  • Finding the Right Acquirer for an Employee Owned Business

    Meghan Daniels Axial | September 5, 2018 In 1997, seven frustrated toolmakers banded together to launch Rapid Production Tooling, an injection mold tooling company based in Berthoud, CO. “The company where we all came from had just been sold to a different company and we didn’t like the outcome, so we left and started our own […]

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  • Business Broker vs M&A Intermediary

    13 JUN BUSINESS BROKER VS. M&A INTERMEDIARY – EXTRACT in General Business Brokerage by Russell Robb The following is taken from the preface of Selling Middle Market Businesses: Guide Book for intermediaries by Russell Robb. There is a movement afoot whereby business brokers are moving up-market from selling Main Street businesses to selling companies in the lower-end of the […]

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