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Day Spa / Med Spa Business for Sale in Broward County, FL - SOLD

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Listing Number: 3695

Multifunctional Community Center/Day Spa

Day Spa / Med Spa Business for Sale in Broward County, FL

Day Spa / Med Spa business for sale in Broward County. Seeking Operating Partner with Equity Participation Investment and Equity Amount are negotiable. After investing over $1 million in this state of the art multiservice family wellness center, the operating partner has become ill. The new Med Spa is set to open May 8, 2021, swim classes are booked through the Spring, and family fitness classes have a waiting list. This is the opportunity that this affluent community, bordering Boca Raton and Coral Springs, FL has just begun to enjoy before COVID-19 shut down operations. Revenue is increasing month over month. We are again seeing the positive community response that we saw when we first opened. This multiservice family wellness franchise, located on a high traffic major road includes: A Wellness Med-Spa, a state-of-the-art indoor Swimming Pool for One-on-One Swim Lessons, Restaurant, Fitness Studio, Art Studio, Indoor Playground and Toddler Section. This beautiful modern space can be used as a private venue for special events (holiday events, birthday parties, baby showers etc.). Special Events such as Breakfast with the characters brings in a Walt Disney experience that sells out within an hour of our social media post. Facebook and Instagram Followers over 2,500 local families. Google Review Rating 5/5 Star with 10 reviews. Mindbody Rating 4.9/5 star with over 133 reviews Nominated by a local Life Magazine as “Best Family Center in the Broward County ”. Med Spa offers aesthetic services to customers as a relaxed time-out for parents to rejuvenate themselves and get pampered while children are supervised and entertained, bringing in a new demographic. Swimming Pool is indoor, above ground, see through, non-chlorine, heated pool (the only one in the state of Florida) spa for children three (3) months to (4) four years to learn how to swim. 1:1 swim lesson with a certified instructor and 2 flotation therapy pools for newborn. Restaurant has a variety of healthy and organic options. Trained Baristas on staff gives it a specialty coffee experience, Kids love our specially designed kids’ menu as well! Beer and Wine License is Active. Family-fitness studio has classes from yoga to martial arts, dance, boot camp, and mommy and me /parent and child enrichment classes. Indoor playground includes toddler and infant sections, both with nanny services for the parents. Art studio and an after-school care program offering homework help for the children. Spring and summer camps are seeing great enrollment numbers. This mix of services in 2020 pre COVID generated growth by 20% each month and had its best month in February 2021 breaking above $30,000 and growing, with April 2021 figures exceeding $35,000.

Listing Broker

Roberta Caputo

Founder & Managing Director

Phone: 954-596-8060
Email: [email protected]

  • Category: Other Personal Services
  • Asking Price: $650,000
  • Gross Sales: $0
  • Cash Flow: $0
  • County: Broward
  • Area: Broward County
  • FFE: $ 138,264
  • Inventory: $12,500
  • Real Estate: $0
  • Employees: 5 - Full-Time 5 - Part-Time
  • Facilities: 4,588 sq. ft of retail space located in shopping center with $850,00 of leasehold improvements
  • Relocatable? No
  • Home Based? No
  • Market Notes: The core space centers around a welcoming, safe and social experience for children in the Play Room and games that drive education and enjoyment. As the children play and learn with our staff, parents can socialize while keeping an eye on their children in an open cafe that caters to their every need.
  • Growth Notes: This Med Spa for sale in Broward County has all insurances are in place. Med spa will offer aesthetic services to customers as a relaxed time-out for parents to rejuvenate themselves and get pampered while children are supervised.
  • Support Training: Seller shall provide 4 weeks of training at zero cost
  • Year Established: 2019
  • Financing Terms: Cash transaction
  • Reason for Selling: Operating partner health issues
  • Inventory Included: Yes
  • Is Franchise Yes
  • Lender Prequalified No
  • Absentee Owner No
  • Selling Financing? No
  • Is FEE Included? Yes